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Recipes...and more!

'Tis the Season to be Eating!

We are entering the most wonderful time of the year! Family and friends gather together for the holidays and that means lots of delicious foods to enjoy. When it comes to Thanksgiving there are certain foods I look forward to each year. My Mother's cornbread dressing, corn salad, my brother's mashed potatoes, my sister's special treats. Bryan and his parents make awesome smoked turkeys. His Aunt Elizabeth makes a special macaroni, tomato and cheese dish handed down from Bryan's Grandmother that is now one of my new favorites. When I think of this time of the year, spending time with loved ones is so precious to us especially since we have returned home. But I must admit, the smells and taste of those foods I grew up enjoying or have come to love over the years are an important part, too. So, as someone who tries to live a "healthy" lifestyle, how can we enjoy the taste of the seasons without overdoing it? Last year, I gained three pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years and it took three months to get it off. I talked with my health mentor, Shelton State Community College Health and Fitness expert Dr. Milady Murphy about this and here's the advice she gave me. She said, "Janie, enjoy the day. Give yourself that day to enjoy the delicious foods that go along with the holiday. But, when the day is over, get back on track." That is my game plan this year. Last year, I enjoyed the holiday, but allowed the festivities to creep up on my plate more often than I should those four weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas and before I knew it, three pounds had joined me for the new year! I am entering this holiday season with a thankful heart for all God's blessings and with a game plan to enjoy the holidays but stick to my small plate, healthy portions, and taking time for that day and that day alone, then getting back on track. As we prepare for Thanksgiving, I pray you have a wonderful, loving time with your family and friends and that you enjoy all the delicious foods cooked with love from the heart. Happy Thanksgiving and many blessings to you and yours - Janie


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Doing one good thing  for yourself is better than doing nothing! Take the first step and the rest will be easier! - J

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