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Ready for Change

Janie Walllace's

Journey to a Healthy Life


"Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

Ready for Change Part 1:

Searching for Answers

This is part one of my special report "Ready for Change" which aired on WVUA TV in January 2014. Dr. Murphy and I decided share my story  because  so many viewers were asking me at church, the grocery store, or anywhere else they saw me what was happening and how was I losing weight. For two years, Dr. Murphy and I hadn't discussed it on air. I just quietly worked away, and the only people that knew what  was going on were those around me. In this video, I share how being overweight and unhealthy made me feel on the inside and the outside. There are five reports and each one is five minutes long. A very special thank you to those who helped with this project. Also, a special thank you to WVUA TV for allowing me to share these with all of you. It's my wish that if you're ready to make a change, maybe my story will help.  Blessings - Janie

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