Ready for Change
Janie Walllace's
Journey to a Healthy Life
"Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

When we started down this new path back in 2012, only a small group of people knew what Bryan and I were doing. But when my viewers noticed the changes on the newscasts, they started reaching out to me asking me what was happening, sharing encouraging words and telling me how my story was inspiring them to make healthy changes. That was and still is such a blessing to my heart. I started this change for a couple of reasons which you will read about on this website, but the idea that my story would ever touch someone else's heart and inspire them to build their own healthy life, well, that just makes my cup overflow with joy. Throughout this process I have learned being healthy is not about dieting, it's a committment to a healthy lifetstyle. You won't find diet tips here, and when I do use the word "diet", I'm not using it as a verb. In other words, I am not "dieting", I'm eating a different diet. But, what you will find is what worked for me. Before I share what sparked the change, let's look back at at how my health got so out of control. It didn't happen overnight. Over a period of twenty years I gained more than 80 pounds as a result of poor food choices, lack of exercise and no committment to a healthy lifestyle.
When I was living at home with my parents, my food was prepared mostly by my Mother.
A God-fearing, hard-working, southern woman who believes in having a garden every year
and she raised us on those fresh foods in the summer and from her canned or frozen
vegetables the rest of the year. Soda, sweets, burgers, and pizzas were rare "treats" and
certainly not staples of our diet. She and my Daddy were organic gardeners before it was all the rage. It was just how they were raised. They believed it was the healthiest food and at the young age of 91, she still does. In fact, many of my Mother's doctors have asked her what she does to stay healthy and she tells them she eats the "plainest food from the garden " and she likes to stay busy with her hands and her mind. She is very deeply rooted in her faith. I believe focusing on the body, mind and soul is the healthiest way to live.
So far 80 pounds are gone, Praise The Lord! It has been a slow, steady process. Any success I have
had has not been all my own. You will see in the videos I have had a tremendous support system. I
would not be here without them. I believe The Lord put them in my life for this purpose.
Health & Fitness expert and my mentor, Dr. Milady Murphy
A woman who speaks the truth. She has changed my life and countless others.
My friend, encourager, master of the "one-liner"
who can always make me crack up, and I think she is evil-smart...but in a good way,
Terri Brewer
I want you to know that I believe in you. If I can lose one pound, I believe you can, too.... when you are ready. This is what Dr. Murphy says is most important. A person must be *ready for change* to make a lasting change. It's the first step to building a healthy life. Being committed to a new way of living, eating healthy foods in normal size portions, and finding a way to move every day. That's what I'm doing. I also have cheat days, like the photo with my Mother and Sister.....it's ok to step back a day, then get right back on the healthy band wagon. It helps me stay focused.w
*** Before you make any changes to your diet or exercise plans, please consult your physician.***
I hope you enjoy our videos and please send me your story of how you are building a new, healthy life!

My sweet , kind, and loving husband Bryan
A combination of Romeo and Jesus...my favorite human, the love of my life. I am blessed beyond measure.

The two Martha's, my Mother and Sister. Also the first two people to believe in me by letting me perform shows on the coffee table when I was 3. Admission was free, I got paid in cucumber slices, and they were the only audience members. A grand start! They are still standing beside me today on this new journey.

Bryan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
They are the reason my husband is also my best friend. They raised a precious boy and helped turn him into a wonderful, Godly man. What a legacy they created.

My Daddy and Mother
"Bill and Paulyne"
Our tornado son, Daniel Sparkman, who joined me on the desk as my co-anchor every day at 5.
His kind words always encourage me!