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Recipes...and more!

Chick Tools!

Seems like everywhere you turn these days, there's another advertisement for some gadget to make life easier. Most of them are just talk! Last week I actually found one that does a good job, so I wanted to share it with you. If you know my husband, Bryan, then you know he enjoys grilling, smoking, or cooking almost anything. I get the benefit of eating all his delicious creations. Now that I have a little more time home in the evenings, I am getting to cook more than I used to, and really enjoying it. But my talents do not lie anywhere near a charcoal or gas grill, so grilling chicken or fish was almost impossible for me to do with any success....until last week. I found this little electric indoor grill at Aldi's and fell in love with it. It was just the right price for my budget and the neat thing about it is that is has a glass lid so all the smell of the food doesn't take over the entire house. The first night we brought it home, I cooked dinner and it did a fantastic job. It's just the right size for my counter top and while I realize it's not technically "grilling", it is an easy, fast way for me to get a healthy dinner on the table and that's just what I was looking for. If you visit my "favorites" page, you'll see a few other tools I use to help create healthy dinners, too. Hope you have a great week! Blessings- j


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Doing one good thing  for yourself is better than doing nothing! Take the first step and the rest will be easier! - J

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